My work aims to understand migration and location choices of people under constraints, both positive (driven by central policy choices) and normative (from fairness principles). I will join Boston College as an Assistant Professor after two postdocs at the Stanford King Center and at the Yale EGC — [CV].

If you are referring to me on a ‘first-name-basis’, please call me “Binta” or “Zahra”. If you need to use my full name, please use “Binta Zahra Diop”. Diop is pronounced j-oh-b / joob.

Work in progress

Upgrade or Migrate: The Consequences of Input Subsidies on Household Labor Allocation
[paper | twitter thread | mastodon thread]

The Productivity and Allocation of Labor across Ghana’s Health Facilities
BZ Diop, K Awoonor-Williams, H Ismaila, A Ofosu, MJ Williams

An Experiment to Elicit Preferences Over Definitions of Algorithmic Fairness
BZ Diop, A Panin, M Cissé


The relatively young and rural population may limit the spread and severity of Covid-19 in Africa: a modelling study” (2020), BMJ Global Health [paper]
BZ Diop, M Ngom, C Pougué Biyong, JN Pougué Biyong

Comparison between predictions and actual COVID19 progressions (click to uncover)

Predictions of the model:

The actual progression of infections:

Policy Reports (Pre-PhD)

Using Behavioral Science to Improve Criminal Justice Outcomes” [paper]
B Cooke, BZ Diop, A Fishbane, J Hayes, A Ouss, AK Shah